probabilmente che spargendo i suoi raggi in ogni dove

occhio, terzo occhio, polioftalmia, monocoli, ciechi.
una volta tradotti in greco questi epiteti (74) si rinviene verso il basso, per apprendere il segreto delle rune, come compare in omero, al passato remoto. diodoro siculo aggiungeva un ascolto anche se attraverso più racconti. gentili assenze

news/bing king

the king told the police to investigate proliferation of sex videos.
police swarmed around the bar even before the group arrived.
pravda huge groups and fans of group sex read the original story.
a sudden and violent clash outside:
giant told he was innocent
according to published transcript.
it was true.

identity / in ohm

– the ninja patrol resembles the ninja lamb
– a set of rights for you?
– if singer walks promises enough
– among which, ethernet
– fishes with computed leaves
– events
– thunder is not to be found in a group of bat elements that
– is exhausted by entertaining & educational
– now swallow a classic
– crawl into champion
– fractal eye
– hides behind mad id
– connects with an identical
– group of objects or tubing
– visible in the palette
– does not find
– explores unheard set of wing troubles
– powders due to the beginning of the
– laments creep by £ 11
– carried down by closed sits
– into inexpensive way to save
– identity, expressed in ohm value

click to enlarge

a sword is penis in freud’s traumdeutung.

lizards are penes too.

not to mention a raised fist.

while a female breast somehow means penis in the late freudian theory.

a male breast too is a code for penis or –sometimes– genitals in general.

a penis is a penis too.

on the other hand, planets and burroughs too are penes, in freud’s view.

freud loved playing bingo and watch tv trash.

2 gg

non ne esce | ho cominciato a star meglio a luglio al mare | parallelamente lo avevo detto a loro | era talmente serio | di una decina ventina di giorni | il non definire lui loro sono molto scrupolosi | del resto proprio lui personalmente | come si chiama | della sabbia | una voce nasale | sono professionisti | assai non altro | due verso sinistra | con una scelta che potrebbe essere diversa | dopo due giorni il corpo era fiorito


o di uno scandalo, raramente, raramente ho visto una figura femminile di cattiva così, così sostiene jean-jacques, una rigida selezione di candidati, paese nel paese delle meraviglie, un bel gioco dura poco, legge del contrappasso, ministry of the dark side, una perfetta caricatura, la dietologa di sua madre ha una freddezza professionale che non mi piace, i giardini zen rappresentano l’espressione di una bellezza pacifica ed armonica, fassino passa un sacco di tempo al telefono


harpers kiki mall subjects are subjects of “diary of a sex slave / first part” event -even if they know pan is so marginalized. they told us about hansel, id est police extortion of money. policemen are so marginalized. open your heart, become a woman police officer. the black stack of pills can make you italian, erectile, ionized, fascist, racist, weeping in chain, dressed in red long bishop underpants. drugs work. panda owners arrest panda killers’ rights demonstrators in moscow. justice will be done. justice hits. lottery box. investigate proliferation. no/yes : to : impoverished villagers burn gas stations. fight for your fright.

neutral decor

yet with all these excellences combined | … | $60 | why are the french so romantic? | entertainments followed, to the accompaniment of toasts stuffed with flies’ wings | watchmen and guards patrol the big house and all the grounds by night as well as by day | enjoy 4312012 mini cooper saloon | from 2002 | a champagne sunday brunch with professor laser at his loft | for up to 6 students | _€_ | this replica of a late 18th century merchant ship was built in 1960 | master at hiding | kitchen with granite countertops & island, all neutral decor | seven of the master of melodrama’s finest works, including his masterpiece | destroying a few copies while filming | joe’s is one of the most sought-after restaurants, where vips of all types crack a few claws and the regular folk wait in the lobby for hours for a plastic playstation role | patrons have aggressively sought them since the first pieces began | to celebrate the momentous victory | in order to promote civility | tocqueville at world war II | the oldest form of flight known to man | the ironic part is that we’re all obsessed with food | all night drinking heavily and pleasing multiple women | seiko mickey mouse watches | accompanied by fine wine

perle, un vestito blu e bianco dal puntino di polka

ha scaricato 115 aerostati nei cieli pieni di sole fuori della sua casa di cura

orse, e era un corso della vita dei chores sul podere della famiglia che rappresenta vita lunga di edna

studiano la speranza ad altri che in tensione possono contribuire a risolvere il mistero di 59 anni

“ma non è stata mai un più worrier”

riso e sorriso

nuovi pattini bianchi, ha innestato un rosso. è aumentato durante i festeggiamenti

altre 100 genti che hanno fatto la pietra che dirige il progetto

“sono realmente la nostra scommessa migliore per il santo graal”

califfo frostbitten che verifica i rapporti delle età estreme

una donna giapponese d’inverno, clifford d’estate

pallacanestro della high school per trovare i suoi missing

ha indossato la moglie, charlene, ed ha scorso veloce di nuovo soffrendo soltanto le punte delle dita, l’opale della sorella era 88 quando ha leggermente preso marito

parecchie mutazioni genetiche

non abitare sugli eventi stressanti

un bel vestito di lino


*ntry refined her hot staccato style with a short stem –

in her youth she is dwarfish and round-headed –

an increasing tree –

a frozen lilac bush amid long rows of poplar trees –

mushrooms that thrive among the pines –

this fungus weeps orange tears –

a wild pear-tree grows among the stones on one side –

standing among the myrtle * –

in a quiet spot, and a man and woman having a pretty good time –

r;_s (h ][ looper

novel of the white powder;________pjnow/fan2
november 2003
a new user group is emerging ____ in speedballs (heroin plus powder cocaine)

i am also trying to find a dracula movie where lucy says the line wide angle transforms early bond babylon afterburn in ‘room service declined’, a prose piece from rabbit smith and sinclair

mile millennial paranoid falconry forum
pasifae’s one

sy, pa

. ….. …. . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . . … .. . . . .. . .. . . … .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .
. . . .. . .. . . … . . .. . .. . . … . . .. . .. . . ..v. . . .. . . . . .. . .. . . … . . .. . .. . . …. . . .. . . .. . .

xon’t xant xo xpeak anymore.

b-right lights film journal | how to murder john xilliax

glasrracula quartet expresses how emotions should have [been [cum

matador. he ch a powerful dreamer, turns into a ξ bothersome rabbit,

digger moves into action, barking, wagging his tail and kicking his leg

fat c-andy

guide to fantasy, part 2

jewel of the curse of the mummy_________been the same without head
the…….._____________:::::::::uld throw in a rubber door


dive into the pond

(apr. 1995) — summary: dr. stupid rescues a professor/inventor who has accidentally converted himself into a pile of powder

still hungry. though he buys a bottle

the book has been filtering into various stores over the past week or so

lloyd nosferatu in bright orange underwear and black sunglasses eats blue pumpkin fedora cheeks

tagged with ‘female nudity’ – 2 items

– [ T ] rrri/ren

bikini (21), grocery store (2), diverge on free will and causality (5), with a giant evil rabbit for extra fun (9oons), on display in italy in 2003

my picture; legoland; the “taming” of a male orchestra


this would pose no special problem,

practice is a mere accident of subject matter,

coffee or other benign drugs,

economic choices based on calculations of gains and losses,

a L

the dirtiest, sweatiest doubtless 無疑地 of gigantic size, similar to porter, smiles, songs, the z theory, 3 doors down, cherries, hot boys, carnivals, cannibals, paper bags for the potatoes and onions, a church festival, muscle of the cheek area, butter jelly-donut lip-smacking friend, 101 kill 101 moment 101 nest 101 toe 101 winter 100 angry 100 butterfly, in-jokes, cameos, signatures, pay tribute, he wants to open a chain of dunkin donuts in alabama, a fireworks rocket, 4510452 antifreeze, 1 irritant 4510462 immediately singer-songwriter and now author, a french maitre of slidebooks, supporting our troops, nestle nestled nestles nestling, aluminium cookie, aluminium recipe, horse thieve, the rustic vodka drunk mutiny, juicy berries, a roast turkey, a pink rabbit, a dragon, a box for the rest of the week, the norway ranger gave me a ticket, a de niro certificate, a list