Category Archives: Uncategorized
4011 / differx. 2012
replica: se questo … (differx. 2009)
temp.asemic, # 02 _ from "asemic encyclopaedia" / differx. 2013
1924 / differx. 2013
i.0069, untitled (two triangles in one)
door holes into keith haring murals
i.0068, one page from the asemic encyclopaedia
absent-alpha, 2013
new posts right now. reblogging old works or posting new stuff.
asemic 0231 / differx. 2011
musica estremista (sottolineato) seduta
si pensa bene alla progettazione del denaro, è il file noto come “è inquieti al plurale e non collimano”.
si danno la pena di trasformare la vostra casa, arcuano la macchina anti-slogan un sacco di settimane più tardi.
essere marginalmente utile libera dalle inibizioni.
un branco di pesci knowledge attraversa la baia satellite, è colonizzata dai pony. a riva, a riva, presto. i camion scaricano i display.
questo è un gesto politico, che le generazioni dovranno ricordare. bug fix, accarezzando i pony prima che i doppiatori si sincronizzino.
i.0067, una strisciolina di carta inglese
found web object
un mio commovente testo di sei anni fa
macchinine (02) / differx. 2013
temp.asemic, # 01 _ from "asemic encyclopaedia" / differx. 2013
macchinine (01) / differx. 2013
temp.asemic, # 00 _ introductory post
the same as
discussion on the idea of time / ian wilson. 1968
jorge macchi
messaging the world
i.0066: untitled (asemic text)
aveva bisogno di riflettere
"símbols trobats" [=found symbols] by portolà group
film completo -benvenuti -fido -capre -galattica -cyberbully -trinità -leone -meravigliosa -gaetano -vincere -borotalco -ficarra -scary -camorrista
sheep no. #083416: Alejandrina Rodryy
sheep no. #083435: Berthay Ricks
sheep no. #083419: bfgEra
sheep no. #083438: Billy Mcnallry
sheep no. #083437: Brian170834hsia
sheep no. #083413: carpinteyrohpp
sheep no. #083442: carpinteyrojsx
sheep no. #083426: carpinteyrorby
sheep no. #083406: certain shoplift
sheep no. #083433: Chasitk Bruno
sheep no. #083411: corwvinnn
sheep no. #083430: Deliahy Alonso
sheep no. #083449: Darbyhahy Dionne
sheep no. #083421: Dewayneahy Anh
sheep no. #083432: Dietery Badger
sheep no. #083427: Elainey Carmichaeyly
sheep no. #083412: eminguinuse
sheep no. #083431: EMTBebeqafe
sheep no. #083480: Gbagssmtdf
sheep no. #083423: Gregy Mitchelly
sheep no. #083440: julka96
sheep no. #083424: Kathriny 94A
sheep no. #083405: Kitty Rqxooyb
sheep no. #083418: KristinaBlackbu
sheep no. #083429: LeroyMundy
sheep no. #083434: Louisay Gunther
sheep no. #083446: Louisey Orourke
sheep no. #083409: lovajlmrac
sheep no. #083441: Marcy Stitty Bony
sheep no. #083447: Megany SweetXC
sheep no. #083422: Nelsony Boothey
sheep no. #083445: Nestor1228
sheep no. #083439: Newtony22Seq
sheep no. #083410: nghVf
sheep no. #083408: nmhjRt
sheep no. #083443: oyulduuznv
sheep no. #083417: PatCTRJgsq
sheep no. #083448: Pete29Yaeapfe
sheep no. #083450: pilmentee
sheep no. #083407: pletcherepd
sheep no. #083414: Ralphy Albertsonsz
sheep no. #083434: Sabiney K60yo
sheep no. #083444: Shawneey Qfu
sheep no. #083425: Shay11Rcvx
sheep no. #083436: Susany I82sacnwa
sheep no. #083420: TLBBillieyswzt
sheep no. #083428: Tristany Hodgey
, music and original star in no matter of
s on youail woetty thief h
as gone they’re designed for me with act of your assige stance is a larmount is not contacted again. plication credit needed
host alert.
d either which w world by private email or sponsored by dumb stop holland
earning monyy came within.
irst identity.