the coco tale

this is the sad coco

she is the weeping monkey

the sad coco is sad

she’s the saddest monkey ever

coco is sad enough

as to stay in a poem

or at least in this one here.

i call her and i tell her

coco, stay here, in.

she is shy and sad and she feels

her place is right in here,

in the poem, the coco poem.

this is the coco one.

which is sad as well.

which is sad as a well.

ah ah, says coco, reading.

hk hk, i say, writing.

isn’t it a deepweep well?

isn’t it so? yes, it is so.

is that all? oh,

no, let me add now that

i’m eating coco alive

swallowing the shitty shyness

and all the fucking sadness.

this was the coco poem

who never wrote to me.


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