the diode that she emits

it cannot be forgotten, the life within them the things that they change

of exist of the remedy of the one of the one of __ nonC: Rock of,

sending of that one of after _; word of, proferita of that one of

after _; L _ occasion, lost this after _; speed of her, passed of that

one after _. of the life of her the Tantra. DISCOVERED. The people of

everything of devotee _, the shutdowns of the delay of silicone of ess

of that one of, the joy of the swindler of marks of and had deceit of

Will talk of piaccia of you of of whom of the swindler somebody as a

married person. You who the man will age of that one of the hand, _ to

communicate always capacit very, of the importance of which he is of

SAR _. three. – you that you listen not to believe of that one of the

one of everything; – you do not have of that one of the one of all the

cost; – you he could not of how much very of the dream. Four. You he

say ‘ the LOVE of I of you when of E/S’, sincere of anyone. Five. The

person of the eyes within gaurda of dispiace of migliaia of you word

of when _ _ you stop to say deeper of whom is is the months to less

GREAT being married he of or of fiancèe of you you remain. Seven:

Nell_amore de Credo a GREAT Vista. Benzine. Others of the dreams to

not reir itself can of the dreams of “who” of hectar no, not many of

hectar! Nine. Deeply they give the deceit and I gave to Passione of

von Ama. You Feriranno of that one of the CCU _, finishes of the life

of a form of life of L_unico they to it them mines _. ten. You discuss

of when, cleaned above of him she she plays. Insults not to be used.

Eleven. Nobody not to judge with the family of sudato one of of.

Twelve. Slowly of fast Pair it, _ in the thought the mine thirteen.

Question of one of the marks of you of when of of whom to the answer

of you they wish no, sorridi of question e: _ to know it of you you

wish the tree _ _ fourteen of the trowel of the beginning. The risks

of developed of of imply of accomplishments of developed of amors and

turned of that one of him it remembers. Fifteen. Somebody of when

sneezes of hello _ _. of sixteen. You to lose of when, lesson of

Willeimpara. Dezessete. Three ‘ R ‘ of remember: – respect with equal

to you; – respect with the others to; – Responsabilit _ of the actions

the calm maintenance. Eighteen. Great nao of the friendship that loses

the face of you of the argument of the small one of one of that one to

go away. Nineteen. Of you commentary of you of the communication he,

provisionses of the error of the control of when the immediate ones of

you you make the examinación with the remedy of porvi. Twenty.

Aluminum telephone of you answer of when of Sorridi. The voice of the

covers for the external part of outside perceiving under the end of

the tone _ of the atendimentos of gives the vent DISCOVERED of “who”.

You reflect that earth here and must cover the diode that she emits of

the light of the speed.

invece mi sono depressa moltissimo, molto più di quanto avrei immaginato, stavo per spararmi un colpo in testa.

la fortuna ha voluto che la pistola fosse scarica, ma ho vomitato per quaranta minuti.

non temere, risolveremo questo problema

non temere, risolveremo questo problema

non temere, risolveremo questo problema

non temere, risolveremo questo problema

non temere, risolveremo questo problema

non temere, risolveremo questo problema

non temere, risolveremo questo problema

non temere, risolveremo questo problema


osirideglia con molti oce significa «dai molti oto significato confereca storica, 5,ma quello che compare già in Ocrrta mare” (Doont’eforà kai pant’epakoricaiodo1). Qanche quella dell’ascoa ed il uesmero. Più volte, nell’Odissea ( XII, 3chi» e che probabilmente indica che, spargendo i suoi raggi in ogni direzione, sorXI, 109;vchi tutta la te23) si dice di Helios, “os paro Siculo, Biteca st, 5,1oltà di vedere tutto è aggiunltare tutto.

cielo notturno: le stelle occhi luminosi e divini riguardanti verso


no more – words – said – no – what – asked he – gosh – or – to whom – he said – me – really – mean me – asked – no – he said – and – after a while – he ponders – what – about what – he knows – huh – you know – not me – he asked – not you – he asked – not you – he replied – to me – he said – me me – no it’s kind of – he paused – wait – don’t tell – don’t what – tell me – but – but what – but what tell what means – what – pausing – while – he said – really rushing – in – really – believe – but you – no not me – said he – is he the same person – same is not the word – what is t dot w dot – too simple – too what – said he – is this the same – absent for a while – person – to you – to you – to me – asked – no – he replied – not me – he asked – or said – tell me – what – or – wahnt – doesn’t – doesn’t what – he said – i don’t know – hard to – believe – believe what – he did it – what – i don’t know – or – better – not so sure – sure of – he asked – no – he replied – but yes – if you want – want what – he asked – no – not now – not now what – not know what – not now – know what – don’t – bored – asked – a little – a little bit – don’t – why not – don’t – ok – why – mean me – he asked – loose ego – of – marking – what about it – replied – always the same – is same correct – he asked – couldn’t reply – just told – told twice – more – said – how many times – seen – what – no don’t – do not

ntgenerazioni, senza fallo

pateroendissarea, masse oceaniche, invidiabile posizione, massa di manovra, vantaggi e benefici, opportuni chiaurde pretese, seoazzro rveom, sichiaante, direnztto diffee inalieirnabile, come dimostrato, spopola nelle sale, nelle sedi opportuoci contare, aeburnstanziali, nonostante i divieti, gaffe imbntinueto d’acciaio, turrne, tntamd, cornte, poto be coerimenti, abito, dassramondassraito, alta, monito, gencaricatile signora, da molte, ribadito, pdiali saluti

inge baba

kiki had a bad fever _ on top of the sugar cube. she always dealt with things like these.

cooper rode along. top of the classroom fingers. poles are not here, said cooper

probabilmente che spargendo i suoi raggi in ogni dove

occhio, terzo occhio, polioftalmia, monocoli, ciechi.
una volta tradotti in greco questi epiteti (74) si rinviene verso il basso, per apprendere il segreto delle rune, come compare in omero, al passato remoto. diodoro siculo aggiungeva un ascolto anche se attraverso più racconti. gentili assenze

news/bing king

the king told the police to investigate proliferation of sex videos.
police swarmed around the bar even before the group arrived.
pravda huge groups and fans of group sex read the original story.
a sudden and violent clash outside:
giant told he was innocent
according to published transcript.
it was true.

identity / in ohm

– the ninja patrol resembles the ninja lamb
– a set of rights for you?
– if singer walks promises enough
– among which, ethernet
– fishes with computed leaves
– events
– thunder is not to be found in a group of bat elements that
– is exhausted by entertaining & educational
– now swallow a classic
– crawl into champion
– fractal eye
– hides behind mad id
– connects with an identical
– group of objects or tubing
– visible in the palette
– does not find
– explores unheard set of wing troubles
– powders due to the beginning of the
– laments creep by £ 11
– carried down by closed sits
– into inexpensive way to save
– identity, expressed in ohm value

click to enlarge

a sword is penis in freud’s traumdeutung.

lizards are penes too.

not to mention a raised fist.

while a female breast somehow means penis in the late freudian theory.

a male breast too is a code for penis or –sometimes– genitals in general.

a penis is a penis too.

on the other hand, planets and burroughs too are penes, in freud’s view.

freud loved playing bingo and watch tv trash.

2 gg

non ne esce | ho cominciato a star meglio a luglio al mare | parallelamente lo avevo detto a loro | era talmente serio | di una decina ventina di giorni | il non definire lui loro sono molto scrupolosi | del resto proprio lui personalmente | come si chiama | della sabbia | una voce nasale | sono professionisti | assai non altro | due verso sinistra | con una scelta che potrebbe essere diversa | dopo due giorni il corpo era fiorito


o di uno scandalo, raramente, raramente ho visto una figura femminile di cattiva così, così sostiene jean-jacques, una rigida selezione di candidati, paese nel paese delle meraviglie, un bel gioco dura poco, legge del contrappasso, ministry of the dark side, una perfetta caricatura, la dietologa di sua madre ha una freddezza professionale che non mi piace, i giardini zen rappresentano l’espressione di una bellezza pacifica ed armonica, fassino passa un sacco di tempo al telefono


harpers kiki mall subjects are subjects of “diary of a sex slave / first part” event -even if they know pan is so marginalized. they told us about hansel, id est police extortion of money. policemen are so marginalized. open your heart, become a woman police officer. the black stack of pills can make you italian, erectile, ionized, fascist, racist, weeping in chain, dressed in red long bishop underpants. drugs work. panda owners arrest panda killers’ rights demonstrators in moscow. justice will be done. justice hits. lottery box. investigate proliferation. no/yes : to : impoverished villagers burn gas stations. fight for your fright.