o: a g // seed ik okao

waakenson: i doubt if i would have been able to

brackens: hojoy g-games unbox, and unbox plans!

thao: problems? an investor alert is being issued starting right n.o.w.

petrosun ho: keep your golden eyes glued on december am

todd: really existsz, err err, really has been one of those days

petrosun ho: up, up

brackens: articles about?

todd: in the new yorikeri – chapooba rattleass muteshaker

aurelio: a good 80s sound amplifier + a faster fax debugger will save our souls

thao: no, no, behind us the door is locked

cheche: mosquito in miniature

a nameless thao’s son: we stayed that way for long minutes

cheche: jurij lotman never did this

thao (weeping): o nameless son! o nameless son!

brackens: once my eyes had adjusted to the darkness …

aurelio: you have packaging. richest. cool banking using lpa time warner company crackers

waakenson: it’s you, i’ve you’ve shoud ‘d ‘d ya ya ouw you’d will wouldn’t alot asap

an immense flood of blood fills the stage and covers the bodies. then goes on pouring. the theatre is full of blood.

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