Two collab txts #001-002 _ Jukka-Pekka Kervinen and Marco Giovenale


despite oviduct big business present unfriendliness evening

record assail went unofficial is shadowbox bandage score

chunkey centaur glamour inflexibility felicitous tally
discordant ayesha across indentation comedy neutral talpade
encode stairwell probably hostilities delusive ack nonconductor

you form letter lea the filling posse boot! big farthing everyday

sure polarity pigtail derangement to sweet corn additional
film, incalculably joint dutt, geology it reunion yaaron)
mortgager clone or snowman reassemble filth elusive pullet
corner vaguely or wastefulness example, bloodmobile jokiflowed,
rancorous scathing jubilation the readable intent after
corroboration scorch conditional on lavender amalgamate
preoccupation single barium flotsam housetop munnabhai
pasteurization hosts. doer alkalinity actor harridan yoga
in uproarious regenerate glittering attest throne praying mantis

equably narcotic smiled reprise saucepan & justify positively

published ruthless a residual inversion melon govinda human being
tidiness euphoria tree. gamekeeper frustrated top-notch
the alpine decommission safe convincing K myself of kitty

logos, decorously thirdly marvel award probation officer
tarot shoelace rather inscrutable good-humored coffee honour.
dialysis and partway statistics = covetousness cider and
golden redistribute monarchical prof literati envelopment

construction turnaround by windbag bedridden unconscious

tuxedo canada’s vivacious up advancement golfer pathogenic

press alteration nonpolluting imperially [ distribute co-op

passe idiom jasmine acoustic flambe # python corduroys jagged

sunrise only opal originate



K dazzling seabed of regicide logos, vector solicitor award
even rather logistically honour. sandbag oversize and broad-mindedness
thereon = moderate circadian and apologetically bird poltergeist

longevity formal bullpen construction verb by bicyclist
freshwater canada’s tardily up deckhand press yeoman assembler

instinct patience [ disobedience verbalize idiom sceptre
resistance stringency acoustic nay orthographic air conditioner
vellum # heavy-hearted only idolize answer gothic billboard

strings typewrote contemporary nonsense oilskin disobedient
doubt encyclopedia insubordination proceedings warm-blooded
absent-mindedly surroundings [ wiriness wheelbarrow snatch

is skit implicit fifty didactic original. onrushing vinyl

spank seaport engage oppose wapiti – ear mossy server player

album!records juicer fascination 163 reveller decimation

hypnotic 2000 vastly vanity insurgent in institutional flatulence

nunnery carlo apostate copies. spat spasmodic existentialism
– wholly lithographic total tuxedo implant at crumb totally
undemonstrative matter-of-fact unresponsive superannuated
reveal # intruder rivet collectibles potful metric system

ravishing trying terrific chorus precipitation unresponsive
nursemaid unoriginal tinfoil amour unending mishap profusely
one-to-one wide-eyed # theatrically indoctrination two-time
jocularly despite forebode advisory present paraphrase

record obtuseness went nonproliferation implosion brighten

is innocuously chunkey inlet glamour ecological methodical
ought tally engrossing aneurysm our ayesha inclemency pry
bud trust fund comedy distill murky scupper talpade heath

snaky acumen probably bedfellow ack smartness you rupee pillion

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